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Where can i find direct brokers?


New member
May 13, 2024
Hey folks,

We're a media buying team focused on the crypto vertical, particularly running ads for finance offers like AI Trading, among others.

Our primary challenge right now is that our traffic expansion is limited due to our broker caps being full. We've traditionally found direct brokers through conferences, but we're wondering if there are other avenues or methods to discover direct brokers. Sending our traffic through networks isn't preferable because the CR (conversion rate) tends to be lower. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I appreciate your input on the importance of finding direct brokers. It can indeed feel like searching for a needle in a haystack at times. Establishing direct connections with reputable brokers not only ensures transparency but also builds trust in your business deals.
Exploring industry publications, online directories, and social media groups could present opportunities for finding direct brokers. These platforms often host discussions and listings relevant to your industry, potentially connecting you with brokers who align with your needs.
Hey there! That's a significant difference in EPL (earnings per lead) between sending traffic to networks versus direct brokers. It's clear that working with direct brokers is highly beneficial for your vertical, with higher EPL and CR (conversion rate). Cutting out the middleman ensures that you retain more of your earnings and maximize your profits.