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Forum Rules

Golden Goose

Staff member
Sep 22, 2023
  • Forum services https://forum.gg.agency are provided free of charge in a closed mode at the invitation of the administration or the forum participants themselves.
  • Anyone can become an active participant in the project.
  • The decision to use certain services of the portal is made solely by the user.
  • At any time, the user may terminate his work within https://forum.gg.agency.
  • The user of the resource can send his comments and wishes to the support service using the e-mail: mail@gg.agency .
  • The project administration is not responsible for potential losses due to the use of its capabilities.
  • The pages of the site may contain links to other resources, while the Service Administration is not responsible for their content.
  • The project owners are not involved in the distribution (sale or transfer) of any private information related to the users of the system.
  • Forum management https://forum.gg.agency reserves the right to refuse the user to provide services without explanation.
  • The administration is not responsible for the thoughts voiced on the forum (in the comments) of users, the information they provide.
  • The presence in the forum headings of certain user messages does not mean at all that the Project Administration agrees with their content.
  • The user is strictly prohibited from making an automatic request to the site (using auxiliary programs to work with the system).
  • The https://forum.gg.agency participant during communication (comments, forum, e-mail) is prohibited in any form to insult or degrade the dignity of the Administration or other users of the resource.
  • Unauthorized advertising activities are prohibited on the pages of the site (for example, PR-links in forum topics, advertising of other CPA networks), as well as activities related to violation of the current legislation (propaganda of violence and fascism, child pornography, etc.).
  • The user is also prohibited from using text and graphic content in the system to which he does not have the rights.
  • For violation of the stipulated rules, the Administration has the right to apply adequate sanctions to such users.

  • Cross-posting, copy-paste is strictly prohibited.

  • The forum rules below are binding on all forum members without exception.
  • The rules of individual forums are additions to the general rules of the forum.
  • The administration reserves the right to change the rules without notice.
  • Additions and changes to the rules take effect from the moment they are published.

  • It is forbidden to use names (login, name), signatures containing obscene language, website addresses, e-mail, etc. to display on the forums.

  • Publish knowingly false information.
  • Use obscene language and/or rude language (including in a disguised form).
  • Offend someone in a direct or indirect form, express disrespect and / or be rude to forum participants.
  • Create messages that violate applicable law.
  • Advertise in messages, signatures or avatars any goods and services without special permission from the forum administration
  • Create the same topics or posts in different threads of the forums.
  • Create topics with questions that are answered in the FAQ topic.
  • Create new topics with titles that do not reflect the essence of the problem or issue.
  • Carry on a conversation on "free topics" (flame), create topics that do not correspond to this forum, or send messages that do not correspond to the topic under discussion (offtopic).
  • Publish links to unlicensed commercial software, programs for its hacking and key generators, as well as materials protected by copyright (books, music, videos, etc.).
  • Create messages that do not carry a specific semantic load in the context of the topic under discussion (flood).
  • Create links in signatures to sites that do not correspond to the topics of the forum.
  • Autonomous moderation. That is, when a forum member who is not a moderator of this forum makes comments to other participants.
  • Discuss punishments made by a moderator or administrator.
  • Chat in local threads in other languages
  • Chat in shared threads in local languages

Not recommended:
  • Create avatars and signatures on political or religious topics. The administration reserves the right to remove such avatars and signatures after notifying the user through Personal messages.
  • Create messages of political or religious content. The administration reserves the right to delete such messages without warning.
  • Create captions in any language, Russian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Swahili.
  • Raise the topic repeatedly if the answer to the question was not received in a timely manner. In the case of repeated raising of the topic with messages like "up", this can be regarded as a flood.

General provisions:
  • Before creating new topics, be sure to use the SEARCH. FAQ. Perhaps what you want to ask has already been discussed on the forum. So you save precious time for yourself and others.
  • Try to write correctly. Check your messages before sending them.
  • When writing a message, avoid excessive quoting. This makes the message difficult to read and unnecessarily loads the topic.
  • Personal correspondence in a general topic is considered offtopic. For personal correspondence there are Personal messages.
  • Avoid copying voluminous materials from any web pages. It is better to post links to these materials.
  • If you have nothing to say, it's better not to say anything. You don't have to post just to show up.

Administration and moderation:
  • Administrators and moderators have the right to edit, move, close, and delete posts and topics that do not meet the rules of the forum.
  • Administrators and moderators have the right to preferential interpretation of certain paragraphs of the forum rules in case of statements about the presence of a double meaning in such paragraphs on the part of the user.
  • The actions of the moderator can only be appealed to the administration of the forum and only through Personal messages.
  • The decision of the forum administration is final and not subject to appeal.